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Easy Homemade DIY Cappuccino Without a Coffee Machine

To have a good cup of Cappuccino most of us have to go to our coffee shop and shell out a couple of bucks at least. Most of us assume that a finely brewed cup of coffee takes a long time to make with lots of brewing and a coffee machine as a necessity as well as expensive coffee beens. This is far from the truth.

DIY easy homemade Cappuccino

Here we will guide you on how to make your very own cup of Cappuccino at home with simple kitchen utensils, as well as show you how to add your own twist to this wonderful drink at the end.

Italians love their coffee, heck millions of people around the world love their coffee. So if you are one of them , let's get started!

There are two methods of doing this, so choose the one you find the easiest.

First Method

You will need:

  • Instant coffee power

  • Sugar to taste

  • Milk to taste

  • Kettle or pot

  • Water

  • A sealed container

Fill one cup of water to you pot or kettle and bring it to a boil, then add one to two teaspoons of instant coffee power depending on how strong you want your Cappuccino. Add sugar to taste.You could also use coffee brewed from your drip coffee maker for this just don't forget to add sugar.

Now pour your milk into a small pot and bring it to a boil. As soon it comes to a boil and starts to rise, remove it from the heat and pour it into the sealed container sealing it tightly and shake it well for a minute or two. Be careful as the milk is boiling hot don't touch the container with your bare hands, use some insulation. We just used a hand towel to hold the hot container.

Depending on how light or dark you want your coffee, pour the required amount of the coffee mixture and then add your desired amount of milk. Now here's the fun part, all the shaking you did made the milk foam up. Take this foam from the sealed container with a spoon and add it to your coffee and give it a good stir. And that's it you'er done!

DIY Homemade Cappuccino

Second Method

  • You will need:

  • Instant coffee power or brewed coffee

  • Sugar to taste

  • Milk to taste

  • Water

  • Kettle or pot

In a mug add 1 tablespoon of sugar, 1½ teaspoon of instant coffee power. Add one half teaspoon of water and mix it up for 2-3 minutes till it dissolve. If you want to use brewed coffee you could just pour it and add sugar to taste.

Add about little less than your mug of milk( to account for the coffee and sugar mix) to a pot. Place the pot on a medium high flame till it boils. As soon as the milk comes to a boil pour it into the mug and stir it as fast as your can , almost whip it. And your done.

Now for your own twist, you could sprinkle chocolate or cinnamon power on top or even coffee granules if you like it dark and slightly bitter. I personally like to add half a drop of vanilla to my Cappuccino, and a just love it! Try this out yourself, and have fun and learn more about your coffee.

Enjoy your cup of Cappuccino!


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