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How to Clean a Coffee Maker

This is a guide on how to clean your electric coffee maker at home. We use our coffee makers almost everyday , filling it with water and coffee beans. If we want our coffee makers to last for years, we must take care of it and clean it at least three times in a year( or that's the minimum I do). Cleaning it helps it not only last longer but also helps in preventing any clogs from forming.

DIY How to Clean a Coffee Maker

Things you will need:

  • Dish washer liquid

  • Microfibre cloth or sponge

  • A soft brush(I just used a toothbrush)

  • All purpose cleaner

  • White vinegar

First always remember to unplug the coffee maker!

Although there are many brands and models of of coffee makers most of them have the same general layout. First start by removing the reservoir and the lid, the filter and filter basket. Be careful as some filter funnels might have a needle in it. You could separate the filter and filter funnel or just wash them together. Some coffee maker's reservoir filter basket and filter and cup holder are dishwasher and and you could just put them in the dishwasher. If you are not sure or yours is not dishwasher safe just wash them by hand it will take less than 5 minutes of your time. Wash them in warm water with dishwasher liquid.

As for the outer side of the coffee maker apply some all purpose cleaner on the micro fibre cloth or sponge and rub the surface. Make sure you reach every corner, and if you are unable to get into some conner or groves with the micro fibre cloth just apply some all purpose cleaner to the brush and brush it away gently.

If you have any white gunk or build up in or around the coffee maker(this could be due to mineral build up) just dip your brush in white vinegar(make sure the brush does not have any detergent) and gently brush it away.

Let everything dry and then assemble it back together.

Now that you have finished cleaning the main parts, it's time to clean the inside tubes and other parts. For a through internal clean follow our guide on how to clean coffee maker with vinegar.

If you are out of time or just feeling lazy, you could just fill the reservoir with water and set the coffee maker on brew. Let it brew till all the water in the reservoir is gone. And don't forget to place a mug to collect the water.

And your done! You have just finished cleaning your own coffee maker. Let's hope you keep doing it periodically so that your coffee maker can last for a long time.If you're feeling lazy to do all this work just clean it vinegar instead, which requires less effort and is just as if not more essential.

Pro tip: use distilled water while cleaning the inside and fill the reservoir with distilled water instead.


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