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How to Clean a Coffee Maker with Vinegar

If cleaning your coffee maker with vinegar sounds weird to you, well maybe it is, but it is important and will help your coffee maker last for much longer.If you've been using your coffee maker for a long time you better get started right after reading this.

Why do I need to Clean with Vinegar?

Well, water contains minerals and other solids dissolved in it. The coffee maker works by evaporating water from the reservoir. This causes only the water to get evaporated leaving the minerals behind and depositing it in it's internal tubing. Over time as the layers of these minerals increase they will clog up your coffee maker. Moreover, the coffee beans also over time leave a sticky deposit. If you have brewed anything that's sticky such as tea or chocolate then it's better the clean with vinegar.


  • White vinegar

  • Water

how to clean coffee maker with vinegar

The process is quite simple.Firstly remove any coffee beans from filter funnel and put the empty filter funnel back. Fill the reservoir with white vinegar and place a mug or a decanter to collect the vinegar. Now set the coffee maker on brew. Once it is done, throw out the vinegar and repeat it again with fresh vinegar. The first step is done.

Now that we have got rid of the inside deposit with vinegar, we have to get rid of the vinegar with clean water. Preferably use distilled water if not drinking water should do just fine. Fill up the reservoir with the water and set it to brew again. Throw out the water a repeat the cycle another time. And that's it! You're done. This is a simple process and will help your coffee maker last for years to come.

If you want to clean more thoroughly check our guide on how to clean coffee makers here

How many times do I need to Clean my Coffee Maker with Vinegar?

If you use it daily once a month should be fine, but if you use it once in a while every other month should do. If you brewed anything sticky like tea or chocolate then brew it with vinegar after that followed by water.


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